What Music Means to us?

                                                    What Music Means To Us?

Music is beautiful melody from our soul. What I'm saying is true and this is my story from my experience. 

Music Is really Important and I think that every Artist know this. When somebody asks me why I love music so much, I can't really tell you, because I don't even know how to describe "why"? It is just passion and desire that can't be described by words. I guess It's just in my spirit. All I know is that This world needs more Music, more Melody, more Love, Respect and more Peace! 

I met a lot of people and I have a lot of friends who think they can't sing in public because their voice is not "That Great". When I ask them to sing along with me they just say " Okay I will only if you sing with me so I will feel free". I understand why they feel that way but what I also know is that Music is not here for me, It's not only for you - It's here for US. Music is here for everybody and you don't have to have perfect voice to be able to sing. Even if society made you thing like that. If you love music and your spirit want to sing, let your spirit sing! It's simple! Music is Free!

If people continue to be shy this world will not be our happy place anymore. There is nothing wrong with sharing feelings. That connect people. The point of life is to make this life easier and you don't need to complicate things when they are not, when they are simple. We have to share music like we share love.

Music was always with me, through bad and good times and I always wanted to sing. So I went to talent show program "X - Factor", I started posting my music videos online and I saw a lot of positive feedback! That made me more confident so I started to sing on festivals! I realized - Music is something that I want to do more in my life! So this brings us to the point of this story. While I'm preparing my self to step on stage, I see people coming with their problems in their pocket. Yes! I don't see happy people who came to have fun, but people who are looking at me without direction, people who are sad, or even arguing with each other. But I know every time I start to sing and every time people hear the beat, they start to smile, taking pictures of me, hugging each other, sing along with me and dancing. Yes it's true, this is not another story full of Cliché of some cheap story. This is how I see things and this is from my experience.This is what I know for sure. Music connect people. Music Is here to free our spirits and to let out our feelings! 

We Have to forget about hate and fight, wars and politics and forget about fighting against..everything! All these thing would not be possible with Music. 

I also heard a lot for people that they don't like "XX" Artist because his/her music is "stupid". Let me tell you. I know how hard Is to write songs, to compose melody and then combine lyric and melody with voice ability of the singer. No song is stupid and I respect every Artist not just because they are my colleagues but because I know how much effort you have to put to make good song. 

My message for you is to: Open Yourself and open your Soul for more opportunities. Sing and love more, always be better person that you have been yesterday, show respect, be positive, stop hate and try to make this world better place to live in.

Until next time,

One Love, 

Johanna K from The World Of Kindness.


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